Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Type Illustration_Updated Creative Brief

A type illustration portrait of writer/activist Arundhati Roy would primarily serve as promotional material for the annual World Social Forum held in January in India for which Roy is a featuredspeaker. The portrait will connect Roy to her work and writing on human rights and criticisms of globalization and neoliberalism by utilizing her own words (speeches, books, articles,etc) to create a powerful, recognizable portrait that illustrates the politics of “small” voices and plurality.

target audience
Considering Roy’s international presence, this portrait would largely target a cross-cultural audience (mid-20s to 50s) of both marginalized peoples opposed to corporate global control and postmodern scholars, activists, and leaders. It would serve as a call to participation in the next World Social Forum and action toward a new world order.

The World Social Forum is a global campaign for social change/awareness building that points toward an alternate world order. This portrait would push its audience to view globalization and the American presence with a new perspective through the writings and person of Roy. It’s not a charity campaign, it’s an attempt to shift minds (a good place to start when changing social habits).

Globalization and the American presence in the 21st century are accepted as a given - no matter how environmantally unstainable and despite the very real human cost . Convincing an American audience (and global) that the New American Century is not in the best interest of the world, not even Americans, rubs against deep cultural barriers and defensive attitudes buit on a uni-vocal, hegemonic world order. Trying to reach a cross-cultural audience also risks alienating or offending both extremes while leaving the center unimpressed or moved. Speaking to multiple cultures at once poses unique design challenges in word choice, color, perspective, message, etc.

key benefits
Despite wide cultural resistance and a seemingly passive acceptance of globalization and neoliberal principals, awarness is the first step to changing minds and envisioning a new world - a world that Roy believes is not only possible but already on her way. Alllowing more minds to see this world as an alternative to the course it is currently on could only benefit all peoples and potentially save our planet from humanity’s self-destructive tendencies. An image of Roy is a recognisable connection to these goals and tangible place to start.

The tone should fit Roy’s character - nonheroic, deliberate, no apologies and hopeful.

Both print and online, although I envision mostly print as part of a promotional ad campaign, which, ironically, Roy would probably hate.

creative consideration
Although there are no official colors for the World Social Forum, it looks like 2012 advertising/website is drenched in orange.

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